Wednesday, November 30, 2011
Unicorn chaser
On the other hand having watched the film in Campbell Hall on the Earth Liberation Front last night (I'd love to hear your comments if anyone else saw it) there are clearly limits to the actions you can take in a civilized society.
Sometimes it all gets a bit much to take. Can we coexist with nature? I think we all need to find our own unicorn chasers. Mine is to go by the Elwood Monarch butterfly grove. This place is truly wonderful - in the sense that it can fill you with wonder. If you haven't been then you should make the time - a perfect study break. The butterflies are early this year and there are already large numbers there. The picture at the top is taken from an edhat post yesterday. Directions here if you want to visit - it's about 4 miles from campus.
Tuesday, November 29, 2011
Thank you
I will be holding office hours on Thursday (1st) and Tuesday (6th) before the final as usual.
Wayne T. Ward Invasive Species
EEMB168 final
This is as published in the Final examination schedule published by the office of the registrar.
For some unknown reason after staying the same for 4 years it changed this year (from Wednesday to Tuesday) and I didn't notice when I prepared the original syllabus. I think I already mentioned this but I wanted to make sure everyone was aware.
So please note that the final will be on TUESDAY (ie in one week's time).
I can't be the only person to have made this mistake so you should double check all your final dates carefully.
Monday, November 28, 2011
Sarah's office hours this week
UN: farmers must produce 70% more food by 2050 to feed population
The United Nations has completed the first global assessment of the state of the planet's land resources, finding in a report that a quarter of all farmland is highly degraded and warning the trend must be reversed if the world's growing population is to be fed.The UN Food and Agriculture Organisation (FAO) estimates that farmers will have to produce 70% more food by 2050 to meet the needs of theworld's expected 9-billion-strong population. That amounts to 1bn tonnes more wheat, rice and other cereals and 200m more tonnes of beef and other livestock.
Read full article here
And if that isn't bad enough....
Climate Set to Worsen Food Crisis
Predator Control: Does it work or doesn't it?
Efforts in San Diego Help Restore Critically Endangered Wolf
How to keep elephants out of your property
Check it out!
November 27, 2011
Partnership Preserves Livelihoods and Fish Stocks
HALF MOON BAY, Calif. — Stevie Fitz, a commercial fisherman, was pulling up his catch in one of his favorite spots off of Point Reyes in June when he saw something terrifying — in his nets were nearly 300 bocaccio, a dwindling species of rockfish protected by the government.
There are such strict limits on catching the overfished bocaccio that netting a large load, even by accident, can sideline and even ruin an independent fisherman.
Still, Mr. Fitz did not try to hide his mistake by slipping it back into the deep. Instead, he reported himself. With a few swipes on his iPad, he posted the exact time and location of the catch to a computerized mapping system shared by a fleet of 13 commercial boats, helping others to avoid his mistake.
“It was a slap in the face,” he said, “but we are trying to build an information base that will help everyone out.” He was later able to sell the bocaccio, although the catch still counted against his quota for the year.
A lifelong fisherman, Mr. Fitz is part of a very unusual business arrangement with the Nature Conservancy, an environmental group that is trying to transform commercial fishing in the region by offering a model of how to keep the industry vital without damaging fish stocks or sensitive areas of the ocean floor.
Five years ago, the conservancy bought out area fishing boats and licenses in a fairly extreme deal — forged with the local fishing industry — to protect millions of acres of fish habitat. The unusual collaboration was enjoined to meet stricter federal regulations and the results of a successful legal challenge. But once the conservancy had access to what was essentially its own private commercial fishing fleet, the group decided to put the boats back to work and set up a collaborative model for sustainable fishing.
Bringing information technology and better data collection to such an old-world industry is part of the plan. So is working with the fishermen it licenses to control overfishing by expanding closed areas and converting trawlers — boats that drag weighted nets across the ocean floor — to engage in more gentle and less ecologically damaging techniques like using traps, hooks and line, and seine netting.
The conservancy’s model is designed to take advantage of radical new changes in government regulation that allow fishermen in the region both more control and more responsibility for their operating choices. The new rules have led to better conservation practices across all fleets, government monitors say.
“It is blowing me away what is happening out there,” said William Stelle, the administrator for Pacific Northwest region of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration’s marine fisheries service. But, he added, the conservancy “may be the most sophisticated example of the successful marriage of interests between the environmental community and the fishing industry in marine conservation.” Similar programs are beginning to appear in other places.
American fish stocks have been troubled since the early 1990s and remain so because of overfishing, pollution, and warming seas. The government says that today 23 percent of fish stocks are not at self-sustaining levels at current fishing pressure.
Congress passed a law in 1996 demanding that local fishery councils protect “essential fish habitat.” In 2006, it also imposed tight catch limits for overfished species. As a result, if a fishery exceeds its limit on just one of these species, under federal law, the entire area could be closed to commercial boats for a season.
Local councils have struggled to balance the inherent tensions of adhering to these limits without ruining the fishermen’s ability to make a living. To do this, they have imposed regulations like prohibiting fishing in some areas, dictating the catch season and limiting what techniques and gear are used.
But last year, the Pacific Fisheries Management Council replaced some of those restrictions with strict quotas on six imperiled species and parceled them out among all 138 commercial vessels along the coast. Government observers are now put on every boat to make sure there is no cheating.
The downside is that if one boat lands too much of a sensitive species, known as bycatch, it must be docked until it can buy another boat’s unused quota — and there is not always a market to balance the catch. The quota system also provides incentive for each fisherman in the risk pool to help prevent others from using up their quota. And the early results for fish stocks are promising. Bycatch has dropped from 15 percent to 20 percent of the total haul to less than 1 percent.
The Nature Conservancy first got involved in central California in 2004 when it was looking to invest in marine conservation zones. The group realized that it needed better information to preserve the most critical areas.
“What the fishermen had was a deep local knowledge of the habitats of certain species,” said Michael Bell, senior project director with the conservancy. “There wasn’t scientific information at that level that could match the fisherman knowledge.”
But getting information from fishermen was difficult because they suspected that the conservancy was just looking to close off more prime fishing territory. So to get cooperation, as well as to reduce trawling along as much of the central coast as possible, the conservancy agreed to reduce the potential financial hardship to fishermen by buying the boats or the fishing permits of anyone who wanted out of the business. Thirteen volunteered to sell their permits, and six of the lot also sold their boats for a cost of about $7 million.
The fishermen soon divulged which nurseries and rock formations needed to be protected and which areas where mature fish congregated should be left open. What resulted was a proposal that included large areas of closings — nearly 4 million acres — that most fishermen thought was fair. It was adopted easily by the fishery council in 2006.
It has not been unheard of for environmental groups to buy boats and licenses and then to retire that part of the quota to take pressure off of an area fishery. But it was not an outcome that the fishermen or their coastal towns — Monterey, Half Moon Bay and Fort Bragg — wanted in this case. Rick Algert, the former harbor director for Morro Bay, near Monterey, explained that fishermen were critical to supporting local infrastructure like fuel piers. And besides, he said, “tourists still like to see boats in a working harbor.”
So the conservancy agreed to lease back some permits and boats, but only if their sustainable conditions were met.
Perhaps the hardest one for the fishermen to accept was the automated posting system known as eCatch. But fishermen have come to believe that the data will show patterns — for example, high catch rates of certain species after full moons along the edge of the shallow water shelf in July — that will help them all predict the danger zones. Independent fisherman have joined the risk pool and eCatch system because they see benefits. By handing out free iPads, the conservancy made the posting of real-time results almost effortless.
Their well-financed effort is among the most technologically advanced and coordinated in the country, but others are catching on. In Massachusetts, scallop fishermen, with the help of the University of Massachusetts, have developed a similar reporting program to avoid pulling in endangered yellowtail flounder.
Many of the fishermen have become fans of a system that yields profits and hardly any bycatch. Steve Fitz, Stevie’s uncle, sold their fishing permit to the conservancy and now leases it back. The lease is fair-market value as long as Mr. Fitz continues to use Scottish seining, which is far gentler to the ocean bottom than trawling is.
“The Nature Conservancy had identified that the small family boats were sustainable, and they wanted to help,” Mr. Fitz said. “We recognized that we needed help negotiating this increasingly confusing path into the future.”
Saturday, November 26, 2011
If a Tree Falls
If a Tree Falls - a story of the earth liberation front
Tuesday, November 29, 2011 @ 7:30 PM, in Campbell Hall
“A remarkable and moving film… a documentary that forces viewers to challenge their own preconceptions and opinions.” Utne Reader
In December 2005 federal agents conducted a nationwide sweep of radical environmentalists involved with the Earth Liberation Front – an organization the FBI has called America’s “number one domestic terrorism threat.” This film is the remarkable story of the group’s rise and fall, told through the transformation and radicalization of one of its members. A thought-provoking film If a Tree Falls asks hard questions about environmentalism, activism and the way we define terrorism. (Marshall Curry and Sam Cullman, 2011, 85 min.)
Friday, November 25, 2011
Electronic Waste Industry
An Uphill Battle
In a study performed by Debinski and Holt (2000), they performed a survey of habitat fragmentation experiments in which they comprised percentages of truth for each of six areas of concern regarding fragmentation: 1) species richness vs. area, 2) species abundance vs. area density, 3) the effect of fragmentation on interspecific interactions, 4) the effect of edge on ecosystem ‘services,’ 5) correlation between corridors and movement between fragments, and 6) if connectivity increase species richness. The validity of each of the hypotheses was >50% for only 2 comparisons; based on experimental evidence it was 66.6% true that there was a correlation between edge effect and ecosystem ‘service,’ and it was 80% true that fragmentation inhibits the development of corridors and that connectivity and movement are directly proportional. However, the lack of substantiation for the remaining 4 categories suggests that such seemingly basic interactions are actually very complex and very difficult to confirm experimentally. Debinski and Holt (2000) suggest that such inconsistent results can be due to time lags, exclusivity in social interactions between certain species, and the sheer vastness of the scale being studied. Time lags, in particular, make it very difficult to conduct conclusive studies. There are so many different time scales to consider when examining different environments that it becomes quite intricate. In addition, it is nearly impossible to couple both temporal and spatial schemes on such large scales. One example mentioned in the article was that of the worldwide distribution of forests that takes place over the long time span of tens of thousands of years. It is impossible for any one person to gather and analyze data over such a long period of time, far greater than that of any lifespan.
Furthermore, they examined whether quantitative or qualitative analyses was better when attempting to study habitat fragmentation and determined that regardless of the method used, the results were still the same: unclear and inconclusive. Similarly to weather predictions, ecology predictions are harder once they exceed predicting the immediate future due to unforeseeable factors that may come into play in the future. For this reason, it appears that ecologists have an uphill battle ahead of them.
Works Cited:
Bissonette, John A.,and Ilse Storch. “Fragmentation: Is the Message Clear?.” Conservation Ecology 6.2 (2002): 14. 20 November 2011.
Thursday, November 24, 2011
Rats - not all bad
In this study they show that animals such as the highly destructive ship rat can become an important part of the ecosystem in the absence of native pollinators, many of which perish precisely because of animals such as the highly destructive ship rat!
Reported declines of pollinator populations around the world have led to increasing concerns about the consequences for pollination as a critical ecosystem function and service. Pollination could be maintained through compensation if remaining pollinators increase their contribution or if novel species are recruited as pollinators, but empirical evidence of this compensation is so far lacking. Using a natural experiment in New Zealand where endemic vertebrate pollinators still occur on one offshore island reserve despite their local extinction on the adjacent North Island, we investigated whether compensation could maintain pollination in the face of pollinator extinctions. We show that two recently arrived species in New Zealand, the invasive ship rat (Rattus rattus) and the recent colonist silvereye (Zosterops lateralis; a passerine bird), at least partly maintain pollination for three forest plant species in northern New Zealand, and without this compensation, these plants would be significantly more pollen-limited. This study provides empirical evidence that widespread non-native species can play an important role in maintaining ecosystem functions, a role that needs to be assessed when planning invasive species control or eradication programmes.
Wednesday, November 23, 2011
Discussion Question 12

Ecotourism is defined as responsible travel to natural areas that conserves the environment and improves the well being of local people. It aims to unite conservation, communities, and sustainable travel to raise funds for conservation and increase cultural awareness.
I chose to investigate sea lions and their behavioral responses to humans in their natural environment on Granito Island in the Gulf of California, in a study completed by K. Holcomb. This paper addressed the most common human disturbances on the island, artisanal fisheries coming close to shore and inland disturbance from tourists and researchers. The distance sea lions fled from each of these disturbances was measured to quantify human disturbance on the wildlife. Animals usually fled between 5-15m. Sea lion behaviors were observed and recorded in response to each of the disturbances, “tourist” “researcher” and “fisheries”. The behaviors suggest that adult sea lions are not significantly effected by human disturbance because they do not have any terrestrial predators and likely don’t see humans as much of a threat. There were inconsistencies with juveniles, young females, and pups. These groups show an immediate behavioral response to human disturbance like territorial, aggressive, active (compared to inactivity), and maternal behaviors.
With this information sea lion tourism can be a great ecotourism venture in the Gulf of California. Many are familiar with sea lions on docks all along the California coast, but seeing an animal in its natural habitat is far more exhilarating. This ecotourism venture could easily be made possible by involving the local communities around Granito, Mejia, and Angel la Guarda. Many local people are employed by fisheries, resorts, or cater to tourists. Creating a new tourism venture to view sea lions in their natural habitat in a manner that is sustainable, and benefitting both the community and the animals has a great appeal to the eco-minded tourist. Applying a UNESCO idea, creating biosphere reserves on the island would allow the animals to have the most protection possible, creating zones to allow development and tourists, and zones just for natural habitat and research.
Addressing sustainability, transportation to the islands should be in a sail boat to eliminate the need for fossil fuels which are degrading our environment. The venture should aim to educate the community and the tourists, and unite them through local custom. Travel is all about absorbing experiences and new cultures, so incorporating viewing a majestic animal in its natural habitat, sustainably, with local culture and tradition mixed together seems to me, to be a recipe for success!
The influence of human disturbance on California sea lions during the breeding season. By K. Holcomb; J.K. Young; L.R. Gerber. Animal Conservation, March 2009, 592-598, 7p.
Ella Bendrick-Chartier
Tuesday, November 22, 2011
Stripping Them of Their Dignity
In an article titled “Mediterranean cork oak savannas require human use to sustain biodiversity and ecosystem services,” it is suggested that cork oak savannas are neglected, deserted, or overused, depending on where the savanna is located on the Mediterranean Basin. The conservation of cork oak savannas has been monitored closely due to their protection through the Convention on Biological Diversity. The term biodiversity “hotspot” was defined in lecture as Earth’s most biologically rich and most endangered terrestrial ecoregions. The reason much of the Mediterranean Basin can be defined as such, is due to the presence of people. This is particularly true of the oak cork savanna in northwestern Africa, which is being degraded due to poverty-driven overuse. The lack of regulatory policies present in such impoverished regions helps perpetuate this problem. Although the savannas are technically owned by the state, local people are sanctioned to use the woodland resources. However, overharvesting of both fuel wood and acorns and overgrazing threaten the fine balance of the savanna ecosystem by degrading the tree cover, decreasing the regeneration of the oak cork trees, and risking the sustainability of the environment. These effects are magnified for communities that suffer from poverty due to their lack of education in the proper ways of cork harvesting. Therefore, often times the cork is inappropriately stripped; too frequently gathered, not giving the tree enough recuperation time since a live tree should be harvested once every 9-12 years; or accidently harmed by unskilled harvesters.
Although both poverty and conservation of biological diversity are two very broad topics that seem as though they should be addressed separately, they are linked in such a way that sometimes makes it easier to tackle them at the same time. One of the reasons that the European Union doesn’t face similar problems as does northwestern Africa is because they put into effect the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP), whose goal is to protect biodiversity. The CAP attempted to do this by establishing the Agri-environmental schemes (AES) which helped to decrease the negative effects of agriculture and promote environmentally friendly farming techniques by providing monetary compensation for the farmers. However, AES weren’t very successful since there wasn’t a very strong thread holding AES and other CAP projects together. Other initiatives such as “Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and Forest Degradation and enhancement of carbon stocks,” also known as REDD+, proved to be a far more successful scheme. REDD+ was established specifically for places such as the northwestern cork oak savannas of Africa, where the land was downtrodden by overuse. It was designed to act as a proponent of large-scale ecological restoration activities. Furthermore, its role in the reduction of overharvesting of fuel wood would also in turn benefit biodiversity conservation efforts. By providing technological support and/or compensation for pursuing alternative energy/livelihood approaches to such rural areas as Africa, REDD+ can help promote more positive social impacts and help both impoverished communities and biological diversity.
By: Niree Dingizian
Works Cited:
Bugalho, Miguel N., et al. “Mediterranean cork oak savannas require human use to sustain biodiversity and ecosystem services.” The Ecological Society of America (2011): 10.1890/100084. Web. 13 Nov. 2011.
Monday, November 21, 2011
EEMB168 class is CANCELED tomorrow (Nov 22)
The good news is that this will require very little adjustment to the class - because Veterans day was on a Friday this year we had an extra lecture day and we are about exactly where we should be at this point in the quarter.
Endangered Animals Fed To Starving Children
Research by Christopher Golden from UC Berkley states that in the Makira Protected Area in Madagascar (a hotspot), environmentalists were forced to compromise the conservation of their surrounding environment for the health of the African community.
Bushmeat, also known as the meat of terrestrial wild animals such as, lemurs and bats, was given to children living in the village. Many researchers found that if they limited any family's access to wildlife as a nutrient source, several of the children would end up suffering from severe cases of anemia and undernourishment. A total of 77 children, under the ages of 12, were participants in the experiment for a year. During this period they were tested for hemoglobin levels every month and scientists found that those who ate more bushmeat were the ones who were the ones with more iron-containing hemoglobin.
Nonetheless, though the health of the children improved, it got more complex. For one, feeding children bushmeat is not a form of sustainable hunting. Secondly, children cannot be given iron supplements to help with their anemia since it leads to a weakened immunity system by dropping levels of calcium and zinc. Golden and his researchers add that bushmeat may be the "food of the poor" since hunting is one of the only ways for people to get food. Unfortunately, the experiment raises the question of what will happen after the last lemur, for example, is eaten? Golden summarizes the answer as, "we need to find ways to benefit the local populations into our conservation policies, not hurt them." In other words, we cannot simply choose between the value of human life and the conservation of the environment--it's just too complicated.
Article by Brian Clark Howard
Please DO Feed the Bears!!

Black bears in states like Minnesota have become a real problem for the people who inhabit areas around their habitat. This problem has been solved in recent years with the shooting of the bears. However, a new, more humane solution has been proposed and tested recently. In an article written in The Vancouver Sun, Lynn Rogers, who is a director of the Wildlife Research Institute and the North American Bear Centre in Ely, Minnessota stated, “...studies show that putting food out for bears at a designated site -- a practice known as diversionary feeding -- can keep black bears away from population areas but doesn’t condition the bears to human food.
This new technique was quite shocking to me and I’m sure many other when they first hear of it. If you have ever lived around or visited any bear-populated areas you have probably noticed signs that say not to feed the bears. I found it very interesting that black bears and humans can coexist by simply feeding the bears. In one of Lynn Rogers articles, located in an academic journal, she goes into detail about diversionary feeding tests lasting 8 years. According to Lynn, during this time period, “the only bear [that had to be] removed was a transient sub-adult male that had not yet found the diversionary feeding site. This study proved that hunger is the main factor that creates conflict between humans and bears.
Works Cited
Rogers, Lynn L. "Does Diversionary Feeding Create Nuisance Bears and Jeopardize Public Safety?" Berryman Institute. 20 May2009. Web.
Santin, Aldo. "'Diversionary Feeding' Better than Bullets for Problem Bears, Biologist Says." The Vancouver Sun. Winnipeg Free Press, 18 Aug. 2011. Web.
Biodiversity Loss Can Increase Infectious Diseases In Humans
See Full Article HereThe extinction of plant and animal species can be likened to emptying a museum of its collection, or dumping a cabinet full of potential medicines into the trash, or replacing every local cuisine with McDonald's burgers.
But the decline of species and their habitats may not just make the world boring. New research now suggests it may also put you at greater risk for catching some nasty disease.
"Habitat destruction and biodiversity loss," -- driven by the replacement of local species by exotic ones, deforestation, global transportation, encroaching cities, and other environmental changes -- "can increase the incidence and distribution of infectious diseases in humans," write University of Vermont biologist Joe Roman, EPA scientist Montira Pongsiri, and seven co-authors in BioScience.
University of Vermont. "Biodiversity loss can increase infectious diseases in humans." ScienceDaily, 3 Dec. 2009. Web. 21 Nov. 2011.
The rise of the sharing ecomomy
What happens when millions of people spend 10 percent less on new things and 10 percent more sharing old things or getting sophisticated deals? It's easy to say that sharing is good for efficient markets. It's not so easy to say that sharing is good for a growing economy that depends on new shoppers.
The pessimist would say that the sharing economy is a smaller economy. The optimist would respond that by spending less money on homes, cars and clothes, we could get back to focusing on new projects. More family savings would find their way to banks and investment firms. That capital would flow into exciting entrepreneurial projects looking to answer more big problems. Young start-ups waiting to change the world with their new ideas would benefit from the capital that flows from all this new investment.
Friday, November 18, 2011
Specious Species: Fight against Seafood Fraud Enlists DNA Testing
In lecture, the genetic approach to monitoring whale meat species composition, reminded me of an article I had stumbled upon last week concerning seafood fraud. I found the article surprising, considering it has never crossed my mind that I might possibly be eating something that does not correlate to its labeling.
In summary, DNA fingerprinting, is being used by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration to prevent seafood fraud. The FDA is improving its inspection and enforcement efforts. The FDA's library went live on November 1st and is now available to the public. It contains DNA bar codes from 250 species of frequently consumed fish, each identified by an expert using a specimen held at the Smithsonian as a reference. The agency is also developing a crustacean database covering species like shrimp, lobster and crab.
The cost for the FDA to run a DNA barcode test on a fish sample (not including labor and supplies) is only $10. By comparison, tests for seafood contaminants such as polychlorinated biphenyl (PCBs) or polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) can run as high as $1,000 a sample. Essentially, cheap tests mean more analysis which would lead to less fraud. The cost has dropped so much that the FDA is also starting to look at mislabeled pet foods and wild game meat using the same technique. However, the article also mentions the problems that can arise when using DNA barcoding without a specific genetic marker, as well as the economics involved for businesses.
For more information, a Consumer Report is available that reveals detailed findings.
After Years of Conflict, a New Dynamic in Wolf Country

The case of the gray wolf in Yellowstone National Park is a classic example of how the Endangered Species Act is effective in saving species nearing extinction. The endangered population started with 66 captive-bred gray wolves reintroduced into the park in 1995 and 1996 and is now over 1,500 and is continuing to increase. The wolves restored balance to the ecosystem which had previously been thrown "out of whack" by the surplus of herbivores and primary carnivores. Lawmakers are now demanding that the gray wolf be removed from the endangered species list; however, many conservationists are concerned that once the protection granted by the ESA are removed, farmers will continue the practices of shooting and poisoning the wolves that made them endangered in the first place. From the farmers' points of view, the decision to reintroduce the wolves was "'shoved down their throats with a plunger'" and they deserve the right to shoot any wolf that comes onto their land and threatens their livestock. The farmers claim that the wolves kill their animals and have drastic effects on the average weight of the animals since they spend so much time looking for a predator rather than eating. Conservationists are now working with farmers to find a compromise. They are training horseman to guard pastures and allowing some wolves to be hunted. For now the gray wolf remained listed as an endangered species and will remain so until sufficient management plans are in place to ensure the gray wolf population is safe.
“Putting carbon dioxide in the ocean is a terrible way to deal with climate change. Maybe we should do it”
Coho Salmon Release

I found this article a while back but it is a good example of habitat restoration and restoration of an endangered population of Coho salmon. After ten years of working to restore the Willow Creek habitat, scientists from California Department of Fish and Wildlife, the Army Corps of Engineers as well as officials from organizations like Trout Unlimited and Stewards of the Coast and Redwoods were finally able to realize their goal of restoring the Salmon to this particular tributary and ideal spawning ground. "As many as 50 percent of the salmon fingerlings released into Willow Creek Tuesday are expected to survive, according to Ben White, a fisheries biologist for the Corps." This figure for juvenile survival is quite high I think, but represents an optimism about the project that is needed if it is to be a success. The cost of the whole project is well over one million dollars, which is mostly due to the removal of culverts and replacing them with a bridge. This seems like a large sum just to restore a tributary, but it is vital work that will possibly allow the survival of this population of Coho salmon. It is uplifting to see a restoration effort that works and that so many different agencies collaborated on in order to ensure its success.
Thursday, November 17, 2011
Arctic Predators

Human development and economical advancements seem to be pressing concerns for the conservation community. I looked into the effect of oil fields in Alaska and how the infringement on habitats has been affecting the species that live there.
The practical conservationist
From a Q&A in the Journal Nature last month with Peter Kareiva, chief scientist at the Nature Conservancy. Looks like some new strategies for The Nature Conservancy again:
Last January, TNC began a US$10 million, 5-year partnership with the Dow chemical company, headquartered in Midland, Michigan. In courting big business, the organization is following in the footsteps of the other leading conservation groups, including the WWF, which has had a $20-million relationship with the Coca-Cola Company since 2007.
Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Biodiversity treaty more than senate willing to pay.
Sovereignty International Corporation
I've posted this before but I'm going to post it again and ask you to add a comment if you can help explain to me why the US has still not signed the Convention on Biodiversity.
I've tried to look into this several times but it's just not easy for me to understand exactly why the US did not ratify the Convention on Biodiversity. In search of answers I've been doing some reading on websites written by those who opposed the Convention. This has proven more enlightening but the level of paranoia is scary.
The open letter to congress I mentioned in class (from 293 signers, representing four million American voters) only specifically mentions two issues - alien species and the transfer of technology. However the testimony given to congress focused on a third issue - private property rights and the threat of a massive property grab by the federal government if not the United Nations themselves. Here is testimony given by Senator Hutchison (Texas) from the Congressional Record S13790, Friday, September 30, 1994.
I am especially concerned about the effect of the treaty on private property rights in my State and throughout America. Private property is constitutionally protected, yet one of the draft protocols to this treaty proposes "an increase in the area and connectivity of habitat." It envisions buffer zones and corridors connecting habitat areas where human use will be severely limited. Are we going to agree to a treaty that will require the U.S. Government to condemn property for wildlife highways? Are we planning to pay for this property? One group, the Maine Conservation Rights Institute, has prepared maps of what this would mean. I do not know if they are accurate yet, but that is my point. Neither do the proponents of this treaty.
This is the map, presented on the Senate floor. Note the heading - As mandated by the convention on biological diversity.
The areas you see in red represents "wilderness reserves" which will be off limits to humans. Areas in yellow represents highly regulated buffer zones where human existence will be greatly restricted. The areas in green represent zones for normal use of high density mixed use urban areas.

Worst of all, the basis for protecting biodiversity and ecosystems was to be centered on what is known as the Wildlands Project. This draconian plan calls for setting aside vast areas (about 50 percent) of America into reserve wilderness areas, interconnecting corridors, and human buffer zones where human use would be eliminated or severely restricted. According to the June 25, 1993 issue of Science magazine, such a system of reserves and corridors would create "an archipelago of human-inhabited islands surrounded by natural areas."
Biodiversity treaty more than senate willing to pay.
Sovereignty International Corporation
The Rewilding Project is brought to us from the United Nations. A relevant tentacle of Agenda 21, the Rewilding Project is designed to restore a major portion of the planet to its 'original' state before man came along and messed it all up; however, it could not be happening if it were not being implemented by state and local legislation.
Suffice to say that when they want your property you WILL sell and at a price they set. Otherwise, they'll remove you forcefully. Private land is being taken all over America by local, state and federal governments under 'eminent domain'. ... In the case of Wildlands and their Corridors, it will be dedicated exclusively to plants, insects, bees, birds, fish, reptiles, amphibians and animals. Carnivores figure heavily in their plan.
From The Rewilding Project
This video tells the complete story (check out how the map changes at 3:34 to 'simulated map'). Wetland mitigation, critical habitat and conservation easements are all part of the same conspiracy....