Sunday, December 2, 2012

Predicted Effects of Increased CO2 Concentrations in Our Atmosphere


 Predicted Effects of Increased CO2 Concentrations in Our Atmosphere

At the start of the industrial Revolution, around the year 1800, the amount of Carbon Dioxide in our atmosphere was about 280 parts per million by volume (PPMV). In the year 2000, carbon dioxide levels reached 370 PPMV and each year the amount of carbon dioxide in our atmosphere rises and with increases of CO2, the temperature on our earth rises as well. The increase of CO2 levels is due to things such as the burning of fossil fuels, deforestation and cement production. There are many negative effects that the increase of CO2 will have on our Earth. 
Several predictions have been made about the effects that CO2 will have on our earth. The first being that the average sea surface temperature will raise about 4 degrees Celsius by the year 2100. Currently the average sea surface temperature is 2 degrees Celsius, but 2100 it will be 6 degrees Celsius.
The next prediction is that there will be an increased frequency and intensity of hurricanes due to the rising temperature of our atmosphere.
Next, there will be a rapid increase in sea level. Recordings from 1880-2000 have shown gradual increases in sea level each year. The sea level rose about 20 centimeters from year 1880 to year 2000.
Increased concentrations of CO2 in the ocean cause the ocean to be much more acidic than it normally should be. The dissolved CO2 combines with water to form carbonic acid, which reduces bicarbonate ions and increases the amount of hydrogen ions. Bicarbonate ions are needed for calcification in coral reefs and on the external bodies of many oceanic organisms. When the ocean becomes too acidic for calcification to occur, there will no longer be any coral reef communities and a large fraction of organisms that have calcium carbonate structures will be wiped out because they will dissolve. Increases in water temperature will also cause coral reefs to die, as they can only tolerate minor fluctuations in temperature.

                                                         Works Cited

 Schmitt, Russell. "Climate Change." EEMB 142A Lecture and Notes. Letters and Science Building 1001, Santa Barbara. Lecture.

Soon, W., Sl Baliunas, Ab Robinson, and Zw Robinson. "Environmental Effects of Increased   Atmospheric Carbon Dioxide." Climate Research 13 (1999): 149-64. Print.

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