This is a very interesting article that
describes a six-year research project done on how to better control an invasive
plant species in the interior Pacific Northwest. The article is based on a paper that was published just this
year in the journal Invasive Plant
Science and Management. This paper is relevant to our discussions of
invasive plant species in lecture and focuses on how we can better control
invasive species without harming the native species in the same area.

The researches found the most of the native grasses in the
interior Pacific Northwest are dormant in late summer and early autumn. Using
this knowledge and experimental control plots, they found that using herbicides
during this time lead to increased mortality of Sulfur cinquefoil along with a recued mortality of native grasses. They
also found that using herbicides just once was enough to control the invasive population
during the entire six-year study. Finally, they found that although reseeding
did not have an effect in the early years of the experiment, by the last couple
years the plots that had been reseeded showed a 20% decrease in exotic grass
In this case, the solution was a simple one and because we
have seen in class that most cases are much more complicated, it is easy to
dismiss it as a lucky break. However, it is imported to note that this simple
change in the timing of herbicide use, made a dramatic difference in conserving
a native species. This makes me wonder how many other little fixes in species conservation
we are overlooking because we are so stuck on solving the big problems.
Here is a link to the article from ScienceDaily:
Here is a citation and link for the paper:
Bryan A. Endress, Catherine G. Parks, Bridgett J. Naylor, Steven R. Radosevich, Mark Porter. Grassland Response to Herbicides and Seeding of Native Grasses 6 Years Posttreatment. Invasive Plant Science and Management, 2012; 5 (3): 311
- Megan Ragland
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