Sunday, October 14, 2012

Why did the turtle cross the road?

On Tuesday we will talk about wildlife corridors. These seem to attract the ire of those eager for less Government spending like nothing else (well, maybe the Teapot Museum comes close). The Florida turtle tunnel (funded with American Recovery and Reinvestment Act money) keeps cropping up on a lot of 'top lists' of Government waste. This is a pretty old story though, from WCJB TV in 2009:

Florida is receiving $13 billion in federal stimulus money to build roads, feed seniors and save jobs.
But $3.4 million of Florida’s cut is going to build a tunnel to help turtles cross a busy highway, and this turtle tunnel has some taxpayers outraged, according to the Capitol News Service....
Pace Allen, a member of several anti-tax groups, said the turtle tunnel is a waste of money.
“It’s outrageous, unbelievable, but I think there is a real opportunity for people to stand up and say, 'Look at this example. Our governments, federal, state and local, are totally out of control," Allen said.

Of course the more things change the more they stay the same. This time four years ago:
Who will protect our pic-a-nic baskets? (Also contains the answer to why a pants free, and otherwise rather casual, Yogi Bear always wore a necktie!)

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