Henri Rousseau, the artist known for his lush paintings of jungles,never set foot out of France. Zoos, botanical gardens and illustrations gave the artist a taste of the exotic
A couple of uses of this blog are illustrated below, the posting of seminar announcements and volunteer opportunities.
1/ "Tiger, tiger, burning bright: hope for tiger conservation in the wild".
Dr. Jai Ranganathan, postdoctoral associate at NCEAS. This Thursday (April 3rd) at 12.15
The seminar is actually at NCEAS (National Center for Ecological Analysis and Synthesis) which is right by the Paseo Nuevo Center in downtown SB.
Ecolunches are Thursdays, at 12:15 pm (Brown Bag
Lunch) National Center for Ecological Analysis and Synthesis, 735 State St., Suite 300, Santa Barbara, CA 93101 Phone: (805) 892-2500
DIRECTIONS FROM UCSB BY BUS: You can get to NCEAS by taking the 11:40 a.m. bus (# 24x) from campus. From the transit center, walk one block east to State Street and two blocks south to the Balboa Building at 735 State Street. To return to campus, you can take the 1:30 p.m. bus (#24x) from the transit station and be back on campus by 1:49 p.m.
2/ Habitat Restoration Workday at Coal Oil Point Reserve.
Come join us this Saturday, April 5th from 9am-12 noon for a Habitat Restoration Workday at Coal Oil Point Reserve. Coal Oil Point Reserve is a 170-acre nature preserve owned by UCSB, located just west of Isla Vista. The Reserve is an ecologically important area that is home to a number of endangered and threatened species, including the Western Snowy Plover. This Saturday we will be improving habitat by planting natives, removing non-native plants, and maintaining previously planted areas. This is a great opportunity for all community members who want to improve water quality and the local habitat for all the critters that live here!
If you plan to join us please RSVP to Tara Longwell at
longwell@lifesci.ucsb.edu. We strongly suggest carpooling to cut down on the number of cars on site! Tools, gloves, water, and snacks will be provided.
Hope to see you there!
Tara Longwell
Reserve Steward
Coal Oil Point Reserve
UC Santa Barbara
Natural Reserve System
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